(08/10/12) 13u Boys of Summer    (agosto de 2012)
(08/10/12) 13u Boys of Summer Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
vie-ago 10   C1-DIAMOND JACKS 13U GOLD 4 - 8 C2-WEST MORRIS BASEBALL ACADEM Complete JCBA #1 RegularNovy, Rooks
vie-ago 10   C3-NY DYNASTY 7 - 11 C4-NJ PANTHERS Complete JCBA #1 RegularNovy, Rooks
vie-ago 10   D4-PRO SWING MONARCHS 13U 2 - 7 D1-QUEENS SHARKS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4 RegularWendroff, Vellucci
vie-ago 10   D2-DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 13U 6 - 6 D3-B2B BOMBERS BLACK Complete Diamond Nation Field #5 RegularCiripompa, Warfield
vie-ago 10   C1-DIAMOND JACKS 13U GOLD 6 - 4 C3-NY DYNASTY Complete JCBA #1 RegularNovy, Rooks
sáb-ago 11   A2-COLTS NECK STAMPEDE 4 - 13 A4-LOU GEHRIG RED DOGS Complete JCBA #1 RegularDowd, Wendroff
sáb-ago 11   B1-LVBA 13U BLUE 8 - 2 B2-CONNECTICUT WOLFPACK Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 RegularMitchell, Tridente
sáb-ago 11   B3-FROZEN ROPES RAMPAGE 2 - 6 B4-NORTHERN VALLEY RAVENS Complete Diamond Nation Field #3 RegularCiripompa, Hamm
sáb-ago 11   B1-LVBA 13U BLUE 3 - 9 B3-FROZEN ROPES RAMPAGE Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 RegularMitchell, Tridente
sáb-ago 11   B2-CONNECTICUT WOLFPACK 0 - 8 B4-NORTHERN VALLEY RAVENS Complete Diamond Nation Field #3 RegularRooks, Fromme
sáb-ago 11   A1-SOUTH JERSEY YOUNG GUNS 15 - 3 A2-COLTS NECK STAMPEDE Complete Diamond Nation Field #4 RegularHibbler, Gross
sáb-ago 11   A3-LONG ISLAND HURRICANES 0 - 5 A4-LOU GEHRIG RED DOGS Complete Diamond Nation Field #5 RegularZindel, Quirk
sáb-ago 11   D1-QUEENS SHARKS 2 - 18 D2-DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 13U Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 RegularMitchell, Warfield
sáb-ago 11   D3-B2B BOMBERS BLACK 8 - 7 D4-PRO SWING MONARCHS 13U Complete Diamond Nation Field #3 RegularFuzo, Fromme
sáb-ago 11   A1-SOUTH JERSEY YOUNG GUNS 9 - 1 A3-LONG ISLAND HURRICANES Complete Diamond Nation Field #4 RegularHibbler, Gross
sáb-ago 11   C2-WEST MORRIS BASEBALL ACADEM 11 - 10 C4-NJ PANTHERS Complete Diamond Nation Field #5 RegularZindel, Quirk
dom-ago 12   B4-NORTHERN VALLEY RAVENS 2 - 12 B1-LVBA 13U BLUE Complete JCBA #1 RegularDowd, Borozan
dom-ago 12   D2-DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 13U 14 - 2 D4-PRO SWING MONARCHS 13U Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 RegularFromme, Reisinger
dom-ago 12   B2-CONNECTICUT WOLFPACK 7 - 5 B3-FROZEN ROPES RAMPAGE Complete Diamond Nation Field #4 RegularMcGeehan, Pitterman
dom-ago 12   A4-LOU GEHRIG RED DOGS 3 - 9 A1-SOUTH JERSEY YOUNG GUNS Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 RegularHamm, Reisinger
dom-ago 12   A2-COLTS NECK STAMPEDE 3 - 6 A3-LONG ISLAND HURRICANES Complete Diamond Nation Field #3 RegularHolot, Pitterman
dom-ago 12   C4-NJ PANTHERS 12 - 0 C1-DIAMOND JACKS 13U GOLD Complete Diamond Nation Field #4 RegularGuilday, VanHouwe
dom-ago 12   C2-WEST MORRIS BASEBALL ACADEM 20 - 6 C3-NY DYNASTY Complete Diamond Nation Field #5 RegularDeutsch, Leslie
dom-ago 12   D1-QUEENS SHARKS 2 - 6 D3-B2B BOMBERS BLACK Complete JCBA #1 RegularBorozan, Dowd
dom-ago 12   A1-SOUTH JERSEY YOUNG GUNS 8 - 5 B1-LVBA 13U BLUE Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 Regular-1 vs 4Hamm, Reisinger
dom-ago 12   C2-WEST MORRIS BASEBALL ACADEM 2 - 1 D2-DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 13U Complete Diamond Nation Field #3 Regular-2 vs 3Holot, Pitterman
dom-ago 12   A1-SOUTH JERSEY YOUNG GUNS 13 - 3 C2-WEST MORRIS BASEBALL ACADEM Complete Diamond Nation Field #1 Regular-FinalHamm, Reisinger
Tournament Details
League Type: TournamentRoundRobin
Demographic: Boys Under 13s
Division: 13u
Sport: Baseball (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 8/10/2012
End Date: 8/12/2012
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $925.00
Other Fee Info: