(05/28/21) 11u Memorial Day Blast    (mayo de 2021)
(05/28/21) 11u Memorial Day Blast Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
sáb-may 29   QUEENSBURY SPARTANS C RBI THUNDER Cancelled Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   NORTH COLONIE BISON 11U C TRUMBULL TRAVEL Cancelled Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
sáb-may 29   RENEGADES 11U BLUE 1 - 16 COLONIE RAIDERS 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   TRIBE BASEBALL 12 - 11 NY DYNASTY (advances to playoffs) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
sáb-may 29   DELCO BLUES (Finalist) 9 - 7 QUEENSBURY SPARTANS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   WEST CHESTER DRAGONS ( Champions) 7 - 5 NORTH COLONIE BISON 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
sáb-may 29   DIAMOND JACKS GOLD 11U 2 - 10 3UP3DOWN BASEBALL Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   SFX HUSKIES 11 2 - 6 TRIBE BASEBALL Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
sáb-may 29   DELCO BLUES (Finalist) 19 - 7 MORRIS COUNTY CUBS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 11U (advances to playoffs) 8 - 5 WEST CHESTER DRAGONS ( Champions) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
sáb-may 29   3UP3DOWN BASEBALL 12 - 10 NOR EAST CLIPPERS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   TRIPLE CROWN 11U 14 - 0 NJ BULLS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
sáb-may 29   MORRIS COUNTY CUBS 5 - 4 NJ BULLS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
sáb-may 29   NOR EAST CLIPPERS 2 - 17 DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 11U (advances to playoffs) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   SFX HUSKIES 11 10 - 7 RENEGADES 11U BLUE Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
dom-may 30   NY DYNASTY (advances to playoffs) 4 - 3 TRIPLE CROWN 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   NORTH COLONIE BISON 11U 14 - 11 RENEGADES 11U BLUE Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
dom-may 30   NY DYNASTY (advances to playoffs) 3 - 2 MORRIS COUNTY CUBS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   TRIPLE CROWN 11U 14 - 0 SFX HUSKIES 11 Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
dom-may 30   NJ BULLS 3 - 14 QUEENSBURY SPARTANS Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   3UP3DOWN BASEBALL 5 - 17 WEST CHESTER DRAGONS ( Champions) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   RBI THUNDER 3 - 12 DELCO BLUES (Finalist) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
dom-may 30   COLONIE RAIDERS 11U 9 - 12 TRIBE BASEBALL Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   NOR EAST CLIPPERS 6 - 7 DIAMOND JACKS GOLD 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
dom-may 30   DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 11U (advances to playoffs) 8 - 0 TRUMBULL TRAVEL Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
dom-may 30   DIAMOND JACKS GOLD 11U 8 - 6 RBI THUNDER Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
dom-may 30   TRUMBULL TRAVEL 4 - 3 COLONIE RAIDERS 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
lun-may 31   RENEGADES 11U BLUE 6 - 17 DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 11U (advances to playoffs) Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular 
lun-may 31   NJ BULLS 1 - 15 DELCO BLUES (Finalist) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
lun-may 31   COLONIE RAIDERS 11U 10 - 0 TRIPLE CROWN 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
lun-may 31   TRIBE BASEBALL 5 - 9 NORTH COLONIE BISON 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular 
lun-may 31   WEST CHESTER DRAGONS ( Champions) 20 - 1 DIAMOND JACKS GOLD 11U Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
lun-may 31   QUEENSBURY SPARTANS 1 - 7 NY DYNASTY (advances to playoffs) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
lun-may 31   RBI THUNDER 8 - 5 NOR EAST CLIPPERS Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular 
lun-may 31   TRUMBULL TRAVEL 6 - 3 3UP3DOWN BASEBALL Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
lun-may 31   MORRIS COUNTY CUBS 3 - 3 SFX HUSKIES 11 Complete Diamond Nation Field #4B Regular 
lun-may 31   DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 11U (advances to playoffs) 1 - 3 WEST CHESTER DRAGONS ( Champions) Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular 
lun-may 31   DELCO BLUES (Finalist) 7 - 6 NY DYNASTY (advances to playoffs) Complete Diamond Nation Field #4A Regular 
lun-may 31   DELCO BLUES (Finalist) 4 - 13 WEST CHESTER DRAGONS ( Champions) Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular 
Tournament Details
League Type: TournamentRoundRobin
Demographic: Boys Under 11s
Division: 11U
Sport: Baseball (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 5/29/2021
End Date: 5/31/2021
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $1,095.00
Other Fee Info:
Team News
Tournament Structure 5/24/2021 7:55 AM