(08/10/12) 10u Boys of Summer Standings
10-USC KNIGHTS's Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Fri-Aug 10   3-HUDSON RIVER WHALERS 3 - 4 10-USC KNIGHTS Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 RegularZindel, Reindel
Fri-Aug 10   10-USC KNIGHTS 6 - 6 4-FROZEN ROPES RAMPAGE Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 RegularZindel, Reindel
Sat-Aug 11   5-LG 10U RED 8 - 4 10-USC KNIGHTS Complete Diamond Nation Field #6 RegularAbreu, Stiefken
Sun-Aug 12   6-HIT AND RUN OUTLAWS 6 - 9 10-USC KNIGHTS Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular-4 vs 5 Novy, Wendroff
Sun-Aug 12   7-DIAMOND JACKS SUPER 10U 11 - 3 10-USC KNIGHTS Complete Diamond Nation Field #2 Regular-1/8 vs 4/5Novy, Wendroff